Membership & Discipleship

Next Steps.

Continue your journey of faith with us.

New to Grace Community Church?

Whatever your next step is

We are here to take it with you.

There’s a pathway

choose your next step.

Discover Grace.

Come to one of our monthly Discover Grace classes where you can hear what Grace Community Church is all about. From our core values to how to join a discipleship group or how to become a member, we’ll cover it all. These take place the first Sunday of each month at every campus.

Be a disciple.

Being and making disciples of Jesus is the reason we exist. We believe life change happens best in the context of a small group where you can gather to engage with the gospel by worshiping, enjoying community, and being missional while doing life together.

Become a Disciple Maker.

To go and make disciples of Jesus in all nations is our greatest call as a Church. Becoming a small group leader is one of the ways you can exercise that calling at Grace Community Church. 

Dive in –


Serving others

is always a great step.

Check out these serving and missional outreach opportunities

Become a mentor

Serve at Grace

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Serving others

is always a great step.

Check out serving opportunities and missional outreach.

Serve others

Help Local ministries

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Take a short-term mission trip

Short Mission trips

Click picture to discover short trips

Join a small group to become a more fully devoted disciple of Jesus

Learn more about

Grace’s Discipleship Pathway.

In our efforts to be and make disciples, we know that spiritual transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit. He is the power that drives the process, but He uses a community of believers in the process. That’s why we say, life change happens best in the context of a small group. Discipleship is a journey of becoming more and more like Jesus alongside others who are doing the same.

Besides gathering every Sunday as one body, our strategy is to form small groups that meet every week around our 3 core values of worship, mission, and community.

Worship – We believe that we are to love and value Him above all else and learn to express that love through obedience and devotion to Him and what He values.

Mission – We are called to live a missional lifestyle where we live, work, and play. This means involving ourselves in the lives of our families, neighbors, community, and the world, seeking their good.

Community – When we talk about “Community” as an expression of who we are and what we do as a church, we are referring to a very simple concept: putting the people of God together for a purpose.

These groups are designed to be open, to multiply, and to share leadership roles. As people grow in their faith, knowledge, and walk with Jesus Christ, they are encouraged to become disciple-makers by leading a group.



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