Let’s pray. Oremos.

Welcome to Grace Community Church! Submit your prayer request, and let us know how we can pray for you.

Bienvenido! Envíe su solicitud de oración, nos encantaría orar por usted.

New to Grace Community Church?


Name / Nombre(Required)
Campus attended / Ubicación(Required)
I authorize my prayer request to be shared with: / Autorizo a compartir mi petición de oración con:(Required)
Requests are shared with the Grace Prayer Team unless you specify otherwise. For all requests, we share first names only. / Las solicitudes son compartidas con el Equipo de Oración de Grace a menos que usted indique lo contrario. Para todas las solitudes sólo compartimos el primer nombre.
Would it be ok for a staff member to contact you? / ¿Estaría bien con usted que alguien del personal le contacte?

Want to join our prayer team?

The Grace Community prayer team receives a weekly email with a list of prayer needs and praises. For all requests, we share first names only and an abbreviated request. The prayer team is asked to pray over these requests and praises throughout the week and to keep all requests confidential.



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New to Grace Community?