a group at Grace.

The objective is to be and make disciples, we know that spiritual transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit. He is the power that drives the process, but he uses a community of believers in the process. That’s why we say, “life change happens best in the context of a group”. Discipleship is a journey of becoming more and more like Jesus alongside others who are doing the same. We need group leaders who will help us provide the places for the process to happen. People who will lead others in the journey of becoming more and more like Jesus.

The Strategy is to form groups that meet every week around our 3 core values of worship, mission, and community. These groups are designed to be open, multiply in 18-24 months, and share leadership roles. As a leader you will be given a coach, supported with monthly training, assisted with childcare, and supplied with curriculum. Meeting in a home is preferred, but will make arrangements for space at the church if possible.

The Commitment we are asking you to make involves 12-15 hrs/mo of your time.

Participate in a monthly/qtrly discipleship training with your Coach – (2 hrs/mo)
Lead a weekly group – (8-10 hrs/mo)
Disciple 1-3 people in your group – (2-3 hrs/mo)
Total time:  12-15 hrs/mo

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