
Back to School Survival: 5 Great Tips
Oh, the joys of summer vacations. Kiddos are out of school, there is more family time, fun trips to amazing places, and lots more. We look forward to summer vacation and oftentimes in a blink of an eye planning for back to school has begun.
There are school schedules to pick up, teachers to meet, and a supply list to fulfill. Next thing you know it is August and school has begun. How does any parent get this done you may ask? Or what if it is your first year walking through this process. And it is a process for sure!
When I was in high school, school shopping was my favorite activity at the end of summer. Mainly because I loved getting new supplies, labeling each of my belongings, and getting new uniforms. Yes, I was that child that LOVED school uniforms because I did not have to think about what I had to wear to school each day.
My mother loved it. She did not need to purchase a whole new wardrobe for me each year, only the necessary clothing items. My high school did an open house that I enjoyed because my teachers got to meet me, prior to being in class. We did a mock school day in the course of two and a half hours. We would spend about 15 minutes in each classroom then the bell would ring and on to the next class.
I also enjoyed doing that open house because I met new students that could be new friends.
What advice would I have given my mom as she navigated having children in elementary, middle, and high school at the same time? Do not get me wrong here, she did an amazing job getting everything gathered and surviving the hustle and bustle of a new school year. But I believe there are tips and tricks that could have been useful to her had she known about them. Here are five!
Back to School Routine
Start getting into the school year routine one or two weeks prior to the first day. This means bedtime is earlier, waking up earlier, and getting into the flow of a structured day. School is a more rigid environment compared to the leisurely schedule of summer.
Back to School Meal Planning
If meal planning has not been a part of your summer routine, then think about incorporating it into your routine. Have your children help you! That way they have a sense of accomplishment and know what is coming up for meals. Freezer meals are great, especially if you have practices to get to right after school.
Homework Space
Begin thinking about where homework will be done, will it be the dining room table? Great, create a mobile homework tub that has all the supplies for completing homework. Once again, have the children help. This is a great way to have family time as you near the end of summer.
Talk to Other Moms
Ask your friends questions. For example, what are some great deals in the grocery store for supplies? Does your school have a uniform resale? If they had a child in the same grade as your child the previous year, ask about the experience.
Relationships and Building Bridges
Find out who is in your child’s class, if you can, and invite them over before the first day. That can lessen the anxiety-inducing experience, like the first day of school, by having a buddy. This is also a great opportunity to meet new moms.
As you have read this, what other ideas have come to mind?
Looking for a community or someone to grab coffee with who is in a similar life season? We’d love to connect with you and get to know you better! Below you will find a few people that can’t wait to meet you, shoot us an email so we can make a plan!
Tyler OJ Campus
Teresa Ator:
Bethanie Tayler:
Tyler UB Campus
Max Heller:
Lindale Campus
Molly Pontius:
Debra Kirby: