Summer Ignite is a week your Kindergarten graduate -4th grader won’t soon forget! For 4 nights, they will engage in worship, small group discussion, recreation, Bible study, missions and more.
This is an excellent opportunity for your child to experience the Lord through intentional fun, worship, and discipleship. Don’t let them miss out!
Where: Old Jacksonville Campus
We are excited to include your G56 student in all the fun of Summer IGNITE! In small groups, they will have the opportunity to deepen their faith, grow their friendships and serve our Grace K!DS in a mission-focused initiative.
We are confident it will be a week full of meaningful, intentional fun! Contact Zoe Ward if you have questions,
Where: Old Jacksonville Campus
Who: 5th-6th graders
Join the summer ignite team
You will have the opportunity to lead, serve and disciple the next generation as they engage in worship, small group discussion, Bible study, missions and more.
Register to serve by June 5th to secure your t-shirt.
If you have any questions, let us know!
Please contact Grace K!DS staff:
Old Jacksonville Campus: or
University Boulevard Campus:
Encienda el Verano está diseñado para crear un ambiente compartido de adoración para los padres y los niños y a la vez ser un lugar divertido para las familias invitar a otros que no tienen iglesia. Es un tiempo alegre, cautivador, y entusiasta para toda la familia. Este tiempo facilita un ambiente para aprender nuestro versículo mensual y la cualidad de carácter en un manera que toda la familia se divertirá junta. También le da la oportunidad a los padres a dialogar con sus hijos sobre las cosas que son más importantes.
Dónde: Ubicación de Grace Español
want to see
what it’s all about?
Watch this short video and get excited for Summer IGNITE 2024!