Grace Community Church in Tyler, TX and Lindale, TX

Jesus said, “follow me.” Let’s do it together.

Worship God, engage in the Gospel, and experience community.

Church is Jesus’ idea

engaging with it is essential.

Start planning your visit by choosing one of our Tyler or Lindale campuses.

Visit the Grace Old Jacksonville Campus

Old Jacksonville

Visit the Grace University Blvd Campus

University Blvd

Visit the Grace Lindale Campus


Visit the Grace Lindale Campus


Visit the Grace Español Campus

Grace Español

Grow in an authentic and gracious church community. 

Find yours. Find theirs.

Find ministries, discipleship groups, events, and much more for everyone in the family.  From Grace K!DS, G56, and GSM for the emerging generation to Men’s and Women’s ministries for adults, there’s a place for everyone at Grace Community Church. Ready to serve? We’ve got a place for you to get involved.

Grow strong. Grow safe.

At Grace, we’re focused on authentic faith while not being too concerned with the externals of religion. Our heart is for you to get connected to a community of disciples of Jesus where you can grow as one, too.

Build community. Build faith.

You’ll be part of one church with five campuses. This means lots of options to make friends and have fellowship with a church community that focuses on being and making disciples of Jesus.

Stories of Grace

finding the right place can be hard.

Watch stories of our members, and be inspired by their journey with Grace.

Experiencing Grace Community Church is easy.

Visit a Grace Community Church campus in Tyler, TX

Choose a Campus

“Location, location, location” is not necessarily the most important element when choosing a campus. While we are one church in the Tyler, TX, area, our campuses vary in their style and demographics without compromising our core values and beliefs.

Plan your visit to Grace Community Church in Tyler, Texas

Be Our Guest

Let us know you’re coming and start your morning at Guest Services in the Commons.

Connect at Grace Community Church in Tyler, TX

Experience Grace

Enjoy community, and get to know what Grace Community Church is all about. When you’re ready for a next step, let us know! We’ll guide you through it.

Worship at Grace Community Church in Tyler TX

You want to know

what we believe

Grace Community Church is a multi-site, non-denominational church in Tyler and Lindale, TX. Grace Community is about being and making disciples of Jesus Christ. And at Grace, we’re focused on authentic faith while not being too concerned with the externals of religion. This means we act the same way on Monday as we do on Sunday. We desire to be wholeheartedly committed to the Worship of God, fully engaged in the Mission of the Gospel, and intimately connected to the Community of Believers...



At Grace, we believe that, as followers of Jesus Christ, we worship God by offering our lives as a living sacrifice back to Him for what He has done for us through His Son. We believe we are to love and value Him above all else and learn to express that love through obedience and devotion to Him and what He values.


We are called to live a missional lifestyle where we live, work, and play – at home, at work, in our neighborhoods, in our schools, in sporting activities, and more – in every facet of life. It is one where we involve ourselves in the lives of our families, neighbors, community, and world, seeking their good. Mission is not an activity of the Church, but an attribute of God that is reflected in and through us. It is an expression of His love, grace, and mercy to the world in which we are privileged to participate.


When we talk about “Community” as an expression of who we are and what we do as a church, we are referring to a very simple concept: putting the people of God together for a purpose. We believe that without intentionality, most of us will drift into a worldly way of thinking and living. Through “Community” initiatives, we hope to equip the saints as they live in the world, but not of it.

To learn more about the doctrine of Grace Community Church in Tyler, TX, read our beliefs.

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