GRACE Community
Serina Hollowell serves as the Member Care Coordinator for Asia/MENA region for United World Mission, offering prayer, encouragement, mentoring, and spiritual direction for the missionaries and their families. She is also the new member mentoring coordinator overseeing the mentoring process for all new missionaries who then join UWM.
Rob and JEN Derksen
Rob is working with Oral Bible Translation projects with a focus on oral people groups in South East Asia. He also helps train and coach people in how to run an Oral Discipleship School aimed at teaching the Bible and Biblical principles through stories. Jen’s focus is using poverty alleviation projects, including micro grants and loans, to provide employment for vulnerable and at risk women and to disciple them in a Biblical worldview.
Trace and Christa, along with their four children, Aidan, Rebecca, Andrew, and Annalise, serve alongside Mexican nationals to evangelize and establish churches among the indigenous unreached people groups of Oaxaca. Christa also works in an outreach ministry to women who work in prostitution in Oaxaca. They have started a drop-in center for the women where outreaches take place and classes for the women are taught.
Lynn & Tarrie are serving in Thailand and internationally with Youth with a Mission. In Thailand they are called to be intercessors and are working in Church planting. Their international work is to train indigenous workers in discipleship and church planting.
Their family is privileged to serve in a creative access nation where they get to see the local church growing, maturing, reaching out to their neighbors and influencing their country. Their main focus is education in the English language, so if you are interested in teaching in a beautiful and strategic place where God is on the move, they could help you get started!
Doug & Amy, with their children, Lilly, Zachary and Story, spent a year in Bologna studying Italian. They recently moved to Cernusco Sul Naviglio, near Milan, Italy to work in full time discipleship and church planting.
Brice and Samantha, along with their daughter Bailey, serve with Jabulani Africa Ministries (JAM) in South Africa. JAM’s vision is to develop and support leaders to impact Africa for Christ. Brice serves as the Operations Manager for JAM. Samatha is mom, but also gets to disciple young women and is launching and coordinating a US-summer internship program. They also are involved with the Limpopo Dream Centre afterschool program; various leadership training programs in Southern Africa; mentoring young leaders in the JAM-year discipleship program; and welcoming teams, volunteers, and wild-game hunters who come to serve with the ministry in South Africa and beyond. Their service with JAM is made possible through a partnership with Extreme Response international, who continues to serve as their sending organization.
S.S’s focus of ministry is relationship evangelism and discipleship…
Andrew is an international translation consultant working under the auspices of The Seed Company, a partner organization of Wycliffe. In this role he trains and mentors local language speakers to become translators. He also helps to train and mentor other expats or national colleagues to become more competent translation consultants through one-on-one mentoring, and through workshops and seminars. From 2019 forward, Andrew will be focused on helping two languages finish their OT manuscripts and check them in preparation for publication.
Anne works in HR for Wycliffe. She assists families work toward resolving a variety of personal issues which have required them to leave their field of service. The goal is to help them if possible return to the field.
Greg and Denyse are helping to facilitate a dynamic Disciple Making Movement in a Southeast Asia country which has penetrated 50 Unreached People Groups and has spread to 16 other Asian countries. Over the past 12 months, an average of more than 5,000 people a month have come to faith through this movement. The total number of people who have come to faith through this movement is now more than 159,000!
Tim is a field partner with the Lighthouse for Christ Mission residing most of the year in Mombasa, Kenya. He helps to oversee a one-year Bible School that trains about 20 young people and pastors in the Bible, English, ministry skills, and employment skills. He also overall tries to encourage all of the students to have a vital relationship with Jesus. In addition,Tim also helps local pastors plant churches in South East Kenya.
As a Senior Field Coordinator for Wycliffe Bible Translators, Robert’s task is to come alongside field partners in Francophone (French-speaking) Africa in the design and management of translation projects. The Senior Field Coordinator leads a team of Field Coordinators who provide a means of accountability for projects, both in terms of finances and progress toward stated goals. While the primary focus of these projects is Scripture translation, they also involve literacy, Scripture Use, training of nationals, language survey, as well as technical and administrative services. The Hales consider it a blessing to still be involved in bringing the Scriptures to those without it in Francophone Africa where they lived and worked for 11 years.
M&M have worked for the past 25 years with helping to plant home fellowships in a country where the church is very young. They have a special focus on helping the church grow in the knowledge of the Word of God, seeking to establish firm foundations. Besides teaching and training, they are involved with writing and distributing materials that are geared specifically to the needs of young believers in this part of the world to help them grow in their faith.