Groups at


Group schedules may change slightly over the summer.


Ben & Christy Leevey

Brad & Emily Weesner

Keith & Maria Westberry

Calvin & Karen Sims

Jeff & Sheilla Smith

Cavender & Merchant

Adam & Julie Steck

Rick & Nancy Wakefield

Jack & Linda Gauntt

Burt & Pontius

Jason & Holly Herring

Austin & Amanda Vass

No Results Found

Ben & Christy Leevey

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: Young families
Day of the week: Sunday
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: At church
Childcare: Grace K!DS Community

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Brad & Emily Weesner

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: Families with kids and teens
Day of the week: Sunday
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: At church
Childcare: Grace K!DS Community

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Keith & Maria Westberry

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: All ages and all stages
Day of the week: Monday
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: In homes, Mineola
Childcare: Self-provided…each person arranges **

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Calvin & Karen Sims

Small Group –Lindale
Life stage: Empty nesters
Day of the week: Thursday
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: In homes/ Hideaway Lake Community Room
Childcare: Self-provided…each person arranges **

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Jeff & Sheilla Smith

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: All ages and all stages
Day of the week: Sunday
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: At church
Childcare: Grace K!DS Community

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Cavender & Merchant

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: Young marrieds and families
Day of the week: Sunday
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: At church
Childcare: Grace K!DS Community

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Adam & Julie Steck

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: All ages and stages
Day of the week: Wednesday
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: In Homes, Mineola
Childcare: Self-provided…each person arranges **

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Rick & Nancy Wakefield

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: Empty Nesters
Day of the week: 2nd & 4th Friday
Time: 6:45 PM
Location: In homes, Mineola
Childcare: Self-provided…each person arranges **

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Jack & Linda Gauntt

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: All ages and all stages
Day of the week: Sunday
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: In homes & at church
Childcare: Grace K!DS Community

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Burt & Pontius

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: Foster adoption ministry families
Day of the week: Sunday
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: At church
Childcare: Grace K!DS Community

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Jason & Holly Herring

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: Families with kids
Day of the week: Sunday
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: In homes, Mineola
Childcare: The kids participate in the group with us

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Austin & Amanda Vass

Small Group – Lindale
Life stage: Blended families with kids
Day of the week: Sunday
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: At church
Childcare: Grace K!ds Community

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Childcare for Small Groups takes various forms at Grace.
1) On Sunday & Monday nights, Grace K!DS Community is available at the OJ & Lindale Campuses.
2) Some groups hire a sitter to care for kids at the host home.
3) Others have the kids join in the group gathering the whole time.
4) ** Self-provided childcare is where each family arranges their own childcare. In this option, the church offers a weekly reimbursement of $25 to you to help with the ongoing expense if needed.
Questions? Contact Scott Wilson at