GRAce Student Ministry
high school fall retreats.

high school fall retreats.
Girls & Guys retreats are just around the corner and this year they are JUST FOR YOU! As part of our Fall Retreats, we are separating Jr. High and High School in order to create some intentional time together just as high school students. Girls & Guys retreats is for all 9th-12th grade students on October 22nd-23rd. This weekend will be the highlight of the Fall with lots of fun, intentional time to grow in your faith, and a great opportunity to deepen friendships you have. Fall Retreats couldn’t come at a better time, and will be exactly what you need at the halfway point through your Fall semester of high school.
Registration ends October 9th
Cost: $99
Location: Lakeview Retreat Center in Palestine, TX
Registration open! For questions contact
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